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The first
precision health
platform for

First of its kind endometriosis diagnosis and reproductive health prediction in one simple experience backed by breakthrough science.

First of its kind endometriosis diagnosis and reproductive health prediction in one simple experience backed by breakthrough science.

51% of the U.S.
is female

Our biology is unique, yet women were excluded from clinical trials until 1993. We're diagnosed 4 years later than men for 700+ diseases and live 25% more of our lives in poor health.
This. Must. Change.

Know. Act. Evolve.

If you know there is a problem or the risk of one, you can do something about it, and by doing so, change your future.

We capture a complete view of your biology—genes, transcripts, proteins, and other molecules—to see how they interact. Tracking over time helps detect changes and identify influences, enabling personalized guidance and treatment.


Screening & Early Detection

We use breakthrough methods to identify risks early, even before symptoms arise.


Therapy Optimization

We can tailor treatments based on your unique biology to maximize effectiveness.


Monitoring & Assessment

We continuously track to monitor changes and adjust care for long-term wellness.

How Xella Help

Xella’s near-term focus is on reproductive and gynecologic health, including fertility, perimenopause, gynecologic disorders, and gynecologic cancers.

Xella’s Reproductive Age Solution

Ovarian and uterine health shape your healthspan. We illuminate the unknowns in fertility and perimenopause to optimize your long-term well-being.

Factors of uterine and ovarian aging:

Biological Factors

  • Age & Gender
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative Stress

Lifestyle Factors

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Supplements
  • Sleep
  • Emotional Wellbeing

Environmental Factors

  • Climate
  • Pollution
  • Toxins
  • Microbiota

Effects of uterine and ovarian aging:

Reproductive function
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage
  • Repeated Implantation Failure (RIF)
  • Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
  • Premature delivery
  • Stillbirth
  • Postterm pregnancy
woman silos
Systemic changes
  • Life-span shortening
  • Increase in chronic diseases
    (e.g. cardiovascular disease,
    osteoporosis, etc.)
  • Physical function decline
  • Ovarian Failure
  • Perimenopause

A better understanding of your reproductive age and contributing factors can support decision-making with:

Xella’s Endometriosis Solution

Endometriosis takes 7-10 years to diagnose and is a leading cause of unexplained infertility. Do you experience any of these concerns?

Difficulty conceiving Irregular menstrual bleeding Recurrent miscarriages Heavy menstrual bleeding Painful cramps during period Chronic pelvic pain Pain during intercourse Worries about family planning

Patches of Endometriosis diagram

Endometriosis Might be the Cause

With a simple, menstrual fluid test from Xella, individuals with endometriosis can finally get answers, and be on their way to informed treatment and personalized care.

Personalized Insights for Prevention & Care

Simple, clear reports delivered privately to guide early intervention— whether prevention, management or cure.

Precision risk scores for disease development and useful insights

Precision risk scores for disease development and useful insights